Environment & Environmental Disposal
Concrete Pumping Queensland concrete pumps meet and exceed EURO 5 emission standards which means that there is significantly less pollution from our trucks entering the environment. These trucks are able to work inside semi-enclosed areas with no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Not only is this great for the environment but also the workers onsite working in close proximity to the concrete pump. Emmission standards and Concrete Pumping Queensland are leading the way in reducing the toxins into the air that we all breathe.
Concrete pumps are a clean / efficient way of getting concrete from Point A to Point B, but due to the design of a concrete pump there will always be concrete left over inside the hopper. In most cases the concrete is able to be disposed of onsite, or in our CPQ washout bags. For the rare occasions when there is no where to put the left over concrete from the pump CPQ have a concrete recycling pit at our depot where we can dispose of the remaining concrete for a nominal charge.
CPQ Recycling
All CPQ pumps are of a minimum of euro 5 emission standards which means that there is significantly less pollution from our trucks entering the environment. These trucks are able to work semi-enclosed areas with less risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Not only great for the environment but also the workers onsite working in close proximity to the concrete pump
Living in Central Qld CPQ knows how important water is, CPQ recycles water (to be reused in our pumps) at our Depots via Pump wash out recycled water, Rain water tank catchment, oil sperators and in the interest to minimise water use CPQ depots and all Pumps are fitted with high pressure washing facilities ( that use much less water than low pressure high volume) filtration and recycling of the waste water which, being high in PH, would ordinarily impact on our local waterways and elimination of sediment and contaminants from entering storm water or sewerage systems
CPQ can bring left over concrete back to our depot or use environmentally friendly washout bags and recycle into retaining wall blocks saving on landfill and carbon footprint.
CPQ Recycles all waste oils in Partnership with JJ Richards. In addition to this CPQ uses Low SAPS / Long Drain Oils ( giving a longer service life meaning changing the oil and filters less)
Commercial Waste
CPQ utilises many companies to recycle the following waste – Cardboard and paper, Steel, aluminium, brass, batteries, filters, cans / bottles and Tyres.
Although CPQ only uses depots for storage, washing and maintenance CPQ have fitted out our depots with low power options of fluro lights, Led lights and energy efficient appliances. In addition CPQ is currently having Solar power fitted to all our depots for surplus energy to also feed the grid.

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